Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Highest "Real World" SNR recorded in North America

Looking through the famous DRMRX archives, I noted that only 3 of the reported values are from North Americans.

35.2 dBfibber - Salem, Oregon USAYaesu FT-817I5XWW 455k to 12k boardDream 1.6.1c80M DipoleRNW 6130
34.4 dBchemclouds, Richmond, Va, USAIcom IC-R75DRMSWR 2.0.3430m inverted-LCBC 9800
32.5 dBTom VE3MEO Toronto, CanadaRadio Shack DX-394ALF-D6 filter/NE612 protoboardDReaM 1.1.1cG5RVCBC 9800