"Brazil starts to prepare the laws for the introduction of DRM in the Short Waves...
On 10th February the Anatel (the Brazilian FCC) issued a proposal stating that, beyond other things, the new "Sound Broadcasting Basic distribution Plan" proposal for the 49m (5950 to 6200kHz), 31m (9500 to 9775kHz), 25m (11700 to 11975kHz), 19m (15100 to 15450kHz) and the 16m (17700 to 17900kHz) bands has the objective to propitiate the revitalization of this service with the adoption of Digital Radio.
Well, the only Digital Radio standard being tested in Brazil in the Short Waves band, and in fact the only Digital Radio standard for the Short Waves recognized by ITU is the Digital Radio Mondiale, so we can consider, not yet officially, of course, that the DRM is the Brazilian Digital Radio standard for the Short Waves Band!"
Thanks Rafael!