Sunday, June 10, 2018

WINB - further details on their DRM broadcasting

Here is info from the April WINB FCC Construction/Change application. You will see they are using a data amplifier from Amplifier Systems Inc. I don't actually see the quoted model on the ASI website, but I emailed them for more details. It appears that WINB is planning datacasting (in addition to DRM audio and its associated text). 

They are currently testing using 5kHz DRM, so the left half of the 10kHz channel appears to be the datacasting. Zyg has some ideas that he posted over on DRMRX.

Here is an evaluation screen of WINB reception last Friday. See the spiky section on the left half of the 10kHz channel? It looks wrong for a DRM waveform, but it is likely the datacasting stream - hence the 5 kHz DRM to the right side.

This data may represent "Shortwave Trading" that has been written about recently. Completely conjecture so far! Just nice to have some DRM in NA again!