"The live show in French from 1200-1300 GMT will be followed two hours later (1400-1500 GMT) by a Digital Radio Show in English with international participation including the chairpersons of the DRM and WorldDMB Consortia. Both the French and English programmes will be carried live on DRM SW 21800 from Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean and should be heard in countries like South Africa, Angola, Zambia, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique. The English programme will also be carried at 1800 GMT into Southern Asia on DRM SW 12085, at the end of the daily regular BBC/DW transmission." For the complete text, see the Consortium press release.
UPDATE: Here is a gorgeous screen capture of the signal from our DRMNA member Claudio PY2GVY in Limeira, Brazil.

UPDATE #2: But wait, there's more! Our stalwart DRM enthusiast in India [Alokesh Gupta] sent along this nice screen grab. Here we see the famous Journaline in action. I'm a big fan of RADIOACTIVITY, the blog Alokesh so capably writes. Check it out!

I'm not done yet... Watch this YouTube video of Morphy Richards receiver in Brazil with the broadcast. http://youtu.be/lTFTlE5u4_Y