UPDATE 20120905: (from ianf via DRMRX) - ...The BBC programme ‘The Strand’ demo will be transmitted in a loop on 243 kHz signal for the duration of the IBC 6-12 September 2012 before 05:35, between 09:20-11:35 and after 18:30 central European time. The loop may not be on continuously all night, but will be kept on air as much as possible.* We expect that the transmitter will ID as “DRM Kalundborg”.
Here is more information about DRM consortium participation at IBC 2012. "Courtesy of transmission infrastructure provider Teracom A/S, DRM transmissions will be heard during IBC on 243 kHz throughout much of Northern Europe carrying BBC programming." This will be using a new Nautel NX50 transmitter.
This is the perfect time for such a demonstration as the NAB Radio Technology Committee is considering all-digital AM tests in the USA. I realize it is truly a long-shot that DRM would be considered over the already accepted iBiquity HD AM scheme, but perhaps someone might say "why don't we give them a try, head-to-head". There appears to be some traction for this idea.
The consortium boasts that a 10kW transmission in DRM is equivalent to a 50kW AM broadcast "emphasizing DRM’s credentials as a ‘green’ technology". I hope this demonstration goes well and that some North American broadcasters and engineers are present.