Communications System Incorporated director Ankit Agrawal was quoted as saying:
"Our receiver performed very well and its audio quality, extra features and ease of use received a lot of positive feedback. IBC participants particularly liked the extended battery life of the receiver and its emergency warning capability. With small adjustments we plan to make the receiver available for order in the next few months...
(The new AV-DR -1401 is a ) stereo model (that) can receive digital DRM SW and MW, as well as analogue AM and FM, and offers some of the extra features that make digital superior to analogue, including more choice in perfect sound (MPEG audio), multimedia applications and local interactive text and media (Journaline), automatic tuning by station rather than frequency, and emergency alert capability."
Price and availability details will be forthcoming. See the DRM Consortium September newsletter for further details. DRMNA will work for an interview with Mr. Agarwal and hopefully a review model in the near future.
20140920 Update: Check out this Radio World article about the new Indian made receiver.